Licensing Education Classes Enrollment

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Registering now for the following classes:

Online Core Education Class, $150.00
Online Retailer Education Class, $50.00
Online Installer Education Class, $50.00

Education Requirements and Fee Schedule
License Type Education RequirementsCost
Manufacturer Core Education Class$150
Salesperson Core Education Class$150
Broker Core Education Class$150
Retailer Core Education Class, Retailer Class$200
Retailer/Broker Core Education Class, Retailer Class$200
Installer Core Education Class, Installer Class$200
Retailer/Installer Core Education Class, Retailer Class, Installer Class$250
Retailer/Broker/Installer Core Education Class, Retailer Class, Installer Class$250

To register for the upcoming class, please provide the following information for each registrant.
Click the green "+" symbol/button to add more than one registrant.


Class selection:              


(Salespersons Only)



$ 150.00
Online payments are processed by  
You will leave TDHCA MH site and go to for processing payment. After, YOU MUST RETURN TO OUR SITE FOR REGISTRATION TO BE COMPLETED
The convenience fee incurred is calculated based on payment type and added when paying via
The total payment is displayed in parenthesis for each payment type in the dropdown options.

Copyright © 2024 Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
For assistance with this system, please contact Manufactured Housing Customer Service at 1-877-313-3023
or email